#1 Canadian Premium Coffee
What sets us apart?
Our philosophy is that you cannot hope to be the best if you are not the most innovative.
We take a lot of pride in the list of trail blazing firsts we have recorded over the years. First roaster in North America to convert to 100% Rainforest Alliance certified beans. First coffee brand in Canada to launch 100% compostable pods. Market-leading rollout of recyclable coffee bags. Launch of 100% compostable capsules.
All manufactured in-house in our own Roastery.
Our comprehensive and long-standing commitment to leading the way on sustainable business and social practices is captured by our status as a certified B Corporation and our 1% To Sustain program.
Other components of our sustainability program include being carbon neutral through Bullfrog Power and on track to become Zero Waste as our new recyclable coffee bags enter the market.
We can’t change who we are…Canadian to the core.
Some question why we chose a specific location as our brand name. It isn’t all that complicated – our founder’s family came to this part of Canada in 1863 and this is where we are based. Our setting happens to be quintessentially Canadian; with forests, lakes, wildlife and granite surrounding us every day and providing the inspiration to strive to be the best.
Best coffee
All of this only matters if we offer a portfolio of great tasting coffees for a reasonable price, so that you can choose the coffee that best suits your preferences.
Our approach is to create unique blends using super-premium beans from around the world and consistently deliver that premium quality to you in every batch through a focus on world-class quality control.