Food Banks Canada

According to Food Banks Canada, more than 4 million Canadians living with food insecurity don’t know where their next meal is coming from. Food Banks Canada believes that everyone has the potential to make a difference in the lives of their neighbours experiencing hunger. As a national organization, they provide food and funds to provincial associations, a network 750 food banks and 3,000 food agencies across Canada.

We support this brand because like us, they share a deep connection with being proudly Canadian. Food Banks Canada receives regular shipments of our roasted coffee to use in their shelters and hamper programs. At a time when Food Banks Canada, and similar charities, are faced with record demand for their services, we at Muskoka Roastery are delighted to answer the call.

Supporting a cause that provides hunger relief for fellow Canadians especially in these challenging times is the Canadian thing to do! Learn more about our Sustain initiative here.

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