Banques alimentaires Canada
Muskoka Roastery est un fier partenaire de Banques alimentaires Canada depuis 2017. Nous envoyons régulièrement du café pour être utilisé à leurs nombreux emplacements.
According to Food Banks Canada, more than 4 million Canadians living with food insecurity don’t know where their next meal is coming from. This is not an issue happening far away from Canada. These are our neighbours and members of our communities. As a national organization, Food Banks Canada provides food and funds to provincial associations, a network of 750 food banks and 3,000 food agencies across the country.
At a time when Food Banks Canada, and similar charities, are faced with record demand for their services, we at Muskoka Roastery feel fortunate that we are able to help. Supporting a cause that provides hunger relief for fellow Canadians, in challenging times seems like the Canadian thing to do.
We invite you to learn more about Food Banks Canada and how you can help,
“Coffee is a luxury item and is always a much loved and highly sought after commodity. For coffee lovers using our food banks, the wonderful donation of Muskoka Roastery Coffee means they can once again enjoy their morning java and like the rest of us, take on life’s challenges one cup at a time.”
-Hamilton Food Share (an affiliate of Food Banks Canada)